
Cape Connect Wireless

Wireless Broadband

Our wireless network is extensive and stable, providing uncapped solutions to meet your needs. Our technicians and installers ensure that you receive the best possible wireless service to home or business.

NOTE: Our wireless connections run in shared spectrum, are high latency and are not suitable for gaming or VoIP.

Wireless Installations

If you are in our coverage area, we should be able to offer you service. However, we do not connect clients if there is any doubt that their connection will not be stable. In order to ensure this, a free site survey is usually required to check line of sight to our nearest access point or high site.

What determines whether I can use your service or not?

Distance from our towers or access points:

We will not attempt to connect a client who is at a considerable distance from our service. Your site survey will determine whether we can successfully transmit over the distance.

Trees, buildings and other physical blocks:

We do not connect clients who do not have clear line of sight. If there are trees, buildings, or other physical structures in the way, and no place to mount an antenna where we can see past these, we will not install an antenna, and will attempt to refer you to someone else who may be able to provide service in another direction.

Wireless interference:

As technology uptake increases and more devices transmit wireless signals, there is increasing wireless "noise" in populated areas. Certain areas are so noisy that we are unable to offer a reliable service there. We will not connect you to our service if this is the case.